Saturday, April 21

Would You Hire an Ass Squirter?

Every day in my little world of HR, I get some doses of comic relief from the silly and insane things people do as part of their job search. I don't know if it's a "kids these days" trait, or if it's ageless, because I hardly take the time to meet the people who make these mistakes.

Shout Out!
Ask a job seeker when their first impression is formed and they may respond, "at the interview". It goes much further back than that. With more and more applications and resumes being submitted on line, I need to encourage you to spread the word. Shout it from the rooftops. Prevent someone you know from being the office water-cooler story of the day. A job seeker's e-mail address is their TRUE first impression!

Last week, I got a resume from an asssquirter@.... I'm omitting the aol, yahoo, hotmail or others to protect the innocent. Would you spend your time with a person who is an ass squirter? I didn't either. In recent recollection, I've encountered a recentlyreleased@... and a hitlersfriend@....

This stuff matters! I wish that over the years I had taken the time to write the most entertaining email addresses down. When I have seen them, I would literally will get out of my chair and bring the message or resume to my staff for reaction, which most often was roars of laughter or complete dismay.

I probably should have contacted the person and advised them to change it, and maybe I will some day. But not today.

This post will be updated, from this point forward, with REAL examples of e-mail addresses, sent to a prospective employer with a resume attachment. Believe it or not.

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